School-wide Shakespeare Competition

In order to prepare for the English Speaking Union's State Shakespeare Competition on February 28, 2016, we will be holding a school-wide competition in January 2016, date and time TBD.

You must prepare the following things, in order to be eligible to compete:

A Shakespearean Sonnet

A Shakespearean Monologue, which must be no more than 20 lines in length.

Both pieces must be fully memorized by our school competition in January.  If you need help finding pieces, please see me (Ms. Rochon) for assistance.  Good luck!

Here is a link for the info on the Shakespeare competition:

You can find all of the info you need there under student forms.  I will have hard copies for you tomorrow as well.  Basically, you need to have a monologue and a sonnet.  The monologue may be no more than 20 lines long, and the sonnet must be the full length.  Here is a list of suggested monologues:

and here is a document with all of the monologues in their entirety:

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