Noises Off Audition Form

Noises Off Auditions are coming to CHS.

Auditions for the fall play will be held on Wednesday, September 14 and Thursday, September 15th from 3-5 pm, with callbacks on Friday, September 16.  Please prepare a one minute comedic monologue.  It should be memorized.  Although the monologue does not need to come from a British play, the piece should be performed with a British accent for your audition.  
You may register for your audition by clicking on the link below.

Please note you may attend any of the two audition days.

Character Breakdown:

DOTTY OTLEY - A late-middle-aged actress. Plays Mrs. Clackett, the housekeeper for the Brents' home in England in Nothing's On.
LLOYD DALLAS - The director of a play-within-the-play, called Nothing's On.
GARRY LEJEUNE -  A stuttering actor, easily fired up. Plays Roger, the estate agent looking to let the Brent's house in Nothing's On.
BROOKE ASHTON - A young inexperienced actress from London. Plays Vicki, who works for the tax authorities and is trying to woo Roger in Nothing's On. 
POPPY NORTON-TAYLOR - Assistant Stage Manager.
FREDERICK FELLOWES - Has a serious fear of violence and blood. Plays Phillip Brent, who lives out of the country with his wife Flavia to avoid paying taxes and is on a secret visit in Nothing's On.
BELINDA BLAIR - Cheerful and sensible, a reliable actress. Plays Flavia, Philip Brent's wife, who is dependable, though not one for household duties in Nothing's On.
TIM ALLGOOD - An over-worked Stage Manager.
SELSDON MOWBRAY - Elderly and with actorly mannerisms. Plays Selsdon, a burglar and an old man in his seventies, breaking into the Brents' house in Nothing's On.

Non Speaking Roles- There will be 4 non speaking roles in this production-2 actors will be cast as assistant electricians and 2 actors will play the roles of Dotty's assistants.  

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