Picnic Callbacks and Sides

Picnic Callbacks

Thank you to everyone who auditioned.  As usual, you have made our jobs very difficult.  Please check the list below carefully for your name.  If you do not see your name below, you are still in the running for the show, so please be sure to check back here on Friday night or Saturday morning the latest.

To all of those who have been called back:  Callbacks will be Friday, September 15th starting at 3:00 in the PAC. We hope to be finished between 5 and 6:00.  We will be using the sides posted on the blog.

Congratulations on a great audition :)

Hal Carter
Owen Harrison
Donovan Kazakoff

Alan Seymour
Owen Harrison
Donovan Kazakoff
Jimmy Waltman

Howard Bevans
Tim Granzow
Thomas McLaughlin
Jimmy Waltman

Kolter Erickson
Rylen Johnson
Brad Modzelewski

Madge Owens
TaylorRae Carter
Camille Ladendorf

Flo Owens
Emmie Collins
Caroline Herbert
Camille Ladendorf
Julia Rutman
Lily Rutman

Millie Owens
Madeline Carleton
TaylorRae Carter
Emmie Collins
Gretchen Cyracius
Maeve Merzena
Lauren Wendt

Rosemary Sydney
Emmie Collins
Caroline Herbert
Racheal Lee
Julia Rutman
Lily Rutman

Mrs. Potts
Emmie Collins
Racheal Lee
Maeve Merzena
Julia Rutman
Genevieve Shaftel

Irma Kronkite and Christine Showenwalder *If you are a 1, please be prepared to read for Irma, if you are a 2, please be prepared to read for Christine.*

  1. Madeline Carleton
  2. Brooke Cohen
     1.Emmie Collins
     2. Gretchen Cyriacus
  1. Koko Kovalev
  2. Racheal Lee
     1. Maeve Merzena
     2. Julia Rutman
     1. Lauren Wendt

Please check the sides below carefully-some characters will need to read multiple sides.  If you are called back for a role that is in parentheses for a scene, the side is for the other character listed previously, and you may not be asked to read (or the reading may be done by an audition reader for the sake of time).  Please let me know if you have any questions!

Mrs. Potts CB (and Rosemary and Flo)
Madge and Hal CB
Rosemary and Howard CB
Madge and Flo CB
Bomber CB (plus Madge and Millie)
Alan and Hal CB
Irma and Christine CB (plus Flo and Rosemary)
Millie and Madge CB

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