A Midsummer Night's Dream First Audition Info

Hi Guys!

I hope that you've been enjoying your summer :)  Here is your first info for our upcoming fall play, A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Auditions will be held September 12-13, 2018, with callbacks on Friday September 14th.

You will need to prepare a brief Shakespearean monologue, either of your choosing or from one of the selections listed below.  You may also choose another selection from A Midsummer Night's Dream, or from any of Shakespeare's other plays.  It should be roughly 1 minute to 90 seconds in length.  Please avoid very long selections.

Please click the link below to view some possible selections from the show.

Midsummer Audition Monologues

Here are the roles in the play:

  • Oberon—King of the Fairies *doubles as Theseus
  • Titania—Queen of the Fairies *doubles as Hippolyta
  • Robin "Puck" Goodfellow—a sprite with magical powers
  • Peasblossom, Cobweb, Moth, Mustardseed and others—fairy servants to Titania and will double as the court to Hippolyta and Theseus

In addition to preparing your audition material, you should also read the entire play by clicking the link below.  Special thanks to Ms. Judy Clarke for her help in preparing our cut of the show.  Please note that there will be cuts made to the show for performance, and that this is a working draft-not the final performance product.

A Midsummer Night's Dream CHS Fall 2018 Script

As always, feel free to email with any questions that you may have, and please keep checking this page frequently for updates and audition sign ups over the next week or so.

Break a leg, and enjoy the rest of your summer!

Ms. R

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