Midsummer Callback Sides

Hi Guys!  Here are the callback sides for Midsummer (posted before the callback list will be posted this evening-just in case you wanted to look ahead at the material for any characters that interest you!)

Please check the sides below carefully-some characters will need to read multiple sides.  If you are called back for a role that is in parentheses for a scene, the side is for the other character listed previously, and you may not be asked to read (or the reading may be done by an audition reader for the sake of time).  Please let me know if you have any questions!

Note that Quince, Snug, Starveling, Bottom, Flute, Snout are known in the play as "The Mechanicals" (the group of actors).  They all play themselves as actors as well as playing a role in the play within a play.

Mechanicals Callback
Lysander and Hermia
Egeus (Theseus)
Puck and Oberon
Demetrius and Helena
Oberon and Titania

Please note that we may or may not need to see people for the faeries.  If so, here is the callback side below.
Fairy Callback

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