Chicago Rehearsal Schedule and Breakdown

Hi Guys,

Please check the schedule carefully for when you will be needed.  If you are ever unclear, please ask!

Chicago Rehearsal Schedule

Please note that you will need to be logged into your HVRSD account to view the schedule and that in order to see the different months, you should click on the tabs at the bottom of the screen.

Here is the breakdown for production numbers:

Featured Dancers *Please note that the full company is in “They Both Reached for the Gun”

(Girls-All I Care About/Cellblock)  (All that Jazz, Razzle Dazzle)

Madeline Carleton
Gretchen Cyriacus
Kaitlyn Tift
Zoe Greene
Camille Ladendorf
Morgan Schragger
Shayla Hermann
Emily Griffen
Molly Higgins
Olivia Levin
Chloe Lamond
Ruby Reynerston

(Boys-Roxie/When Velma Takes the Stand)  (All that Jazz, Razzle Dazzle)

Finn Murray Campbell
Owen Harrison
Andrew McManamon
Ryan Dwyer
Yezie Nakra
Ben Piccarillo
Brad Modzelewski
Sam Hastings

Featured Singers (cafe tables in All that Jazz, Courtroom in Trial Scene/Razzle Dazzle *will sing all group numbers)

Nick Costanzo
Mack Selym
Sachi Siyal
Olivia Gross
FIbi DeLeon Gonzales
Julia Kizar
Davia LaRaus
Piper Ward

John MacLean

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