Clue Callback List

Clue Callbacks

Thank you to everyone who auditioned.  As usual, you have made our jobs very difficult.  
Please check the list below carefully for your name.
 If you do not see your name below, you are still in the running for the show,
so please be sure to check back here on Friday night or Saturday morning the latest.

To all of those who have been called back:  
Callbacks will be Friday, September 13th starting at 3:00 in the PAC.
We hope to be finished between 5 and 6:00.  We will be using the sides posted on the blog.

The callback sides are on the post below this one.  
You will be responsible for printing out your own copy.

Congratulations on a great audition :)

Brad Modzelewski
Caleb Briggs
Ben Piccarillo

Morgan Schragger
Gretchen Cyriacus
Shayla Hermann
Molly Higgins
Camille Rosenthale
Piper Ward

Miss Scarlet
Morgan Schragger
Shayla Hermann
Gretchen Cyriacus
Molly Higgins
Grace Lee
Chloe Lamond
Piper Ward

Mrs. Peacock
Genevieve Shaftel
Fibi DeLeon Gonzalez
Gretchen Cyriacus
Olivia Gross
Sophia Parsons
Sachi Siyal

Mrs. White
Genevieve Shaftel
Fibi DeLeon Gonzalez
Gretchen Cyriacus
Olivia Levin
Chloe Lamond
Olivia Gross
Sophia Parsons
Sachi Siyal

Colonel Mustard
John Maclean
Caleb Briggs
Nick Costanzo
Elliot Block
Yezie Nakra

Professor Plum
Elliot Block
Finn Murray Campbell
Yezie Nakra

Mr. Green
David LaRaus
Brad Modzelewski
Ben Piccarillo
Finn Murray Campbell

Mr. Boddy
Nick Costanzo
Brad Modzelewski
Yezie Nakra
John Maclean
Cameron Scott
Kevin Amon

Armaan Desai

Callback Side for Wadsworth, Miss Scarlet, Mrs. Peacock, Mrs. White, Colonel Mustard, Professor Plum, Mr Green:

Callback Side for Yvette:  (please note that YVETTEs will be reading with audition readers.  NO other actors will be needed for this reading)

Callback Monologue for Mr. Boddy

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