Fall Play 2020-The Importance of Being Earnest

 Hi Guys!  We are pleased to announce that our fall play for 2020 will be...The Importance of Being Earnest.  Obviously, Covid has impacted our process, so some things may look different than in years past.  Please check the info below carefully for more details: 


The play:  Click Here for a PDF of Earnest

Auditions: will be done through video submissions this year.  Please upload a video of yourself performing a 1 minute or less monologue in the style of the show with a British Accent!!.  Video submissions will be due in the drive folder by 3:00 pm on Friday, September 18th.  You may perform material from the show OR something in a similar style.  You must also fill out the audition form below.

Click Here to Upload Your Audition Video to Google Drive

Click Here for your audition form

Callbacks: will be held IN person after school (3:00 pm) outside the black box on Tuesday, September 22 until 5:30 pm.  You will need to wear a mask and will be socially distant at all times.  Callback sides will be provided alongside the callback list.

Rehearsals: will be held after school from 3:00-4:30 (approximately) each day.  If you have difficulty with transportation getting back to school, a resource learning space will be available for your afternoon remote classes so that you can stay after for your rehearsal time.  More information to come, with a detailed breakdown of all of our safety measures given out at our first rehearsal. All rehearsals will be socially distant and held outside.  In the event of bad weather, rehearsals will move to an online format for the day.

The final product:  actors will be self-taping their final performances in their own homes.  Costumes and props will be provided as well as a green screen, as needed.  We will be maintaining as close of a normal schedule as possible, with both cast performances of the show debuting online the first weekend in November.

For an example of what this will look like, please click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6F3ZfJ1WmE&frags=pl%2Cwn&ab_channel=MusicMountainTheatre

The cast: The show will be double cast, to allow a larger number of actors to participate in the show.  Casts will rehearse simultaneously, but will be socially distant at all times.

Who is eligible to participate:  All CHS students are eligible to participate in our fall play, regardless of cohort or full remote status.  

Questions?  Please reach out to Ms. Rochon at katherinerochon@hvrsd.org, and stay tuned for more info coming to this space soon!

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