The Wedding Singer Audition Sign Ups

 Hi Friends!

Auditions for The Wedding Singer are just around the corner.  Just a reminder of the dates and times:

Monday December 5-3:00-end reading and singing audition

Tuesday December 6-3:00-end reading and signing audition

*You will only attend ONE of these days for your initial audition.

Thursday December 8-3:00-end Dance audition-all must attend

Friday December 9-3:00-end Callbacks by invitation only.

Click Here to Sign Up for The Wedding Singer Auditions

***Please note that sign ups will close at the end of the school day on Friday so that we have time schedule you for an audition day****

In order to audition, we will need to collect some information from you and your parents prior to the audition.  Please sign up for your audition by clicking the link above.  You must be logged into your HVRSD account in order to sign up.

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