Peter and the Starcatcher Audition Information and Character Descriptions

 Auditions for our fall play, Peter and the Starcatcher, will be held Monday and Tuesday, September 11 and 12.  Callbacks will be held, by invitation only, on Friday, September 15.    

For your audition, please prepare a brief comedic monologue (roughly 1 minute in length **don't stress, we won't have a timer-this is just an approximate time for your piece!)  British accents will be used in this production, so if that is in your skill set, please feel free to use it.

You may select one of the pieces below, or an appropriate piece of your choosing.  You may also perform a monologue from the play.  ****PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU MUST BE LOGGED INTO YOUR HVRSD ACCOUNT IN ORDER TO VIEW THE MONOLOGUES BELOW***

PATSC Audition Monologue Options



Boy/Peter: A boy who doesn't miss much. Nameless, homeless and friendless at the beginning of the play and a hero by the end. A survivor. More than anything in the world, he wants a home and a family. If he could grow up, he'd fall for Molly in a big way. But it'll never happen.

Prentiss: Ambitious, hyper-articulate, logical; yearns to be a leader, even as he knows in his heart that he never shall be one. A bit of a blowhard with just the teeny-tiniest touch of cowardice.

Ted: Obsessed with food: the eating of, the fighting over, the dreaming about. A natural actor, an easy wit, perhaps a future poet. Called "Tubby" by Prentiss, though not due to girth, of which orphans, given their meager diets, have very little indeed.


Lord Leonard Aster: Molly's father, a loyal subject to the Queen. The very model of a Victorian English gentleman, he is a faithful friend and a secret Starcatcher.

Molly Aster: A young girl and Starcatcher apprentice who is taken aboard the Neverland as precious cargo. Curious and intelligent, she is only beginning to understand the confusing romantic longings that come with her age. She will risk anything for the sake of what is right.

Mrs. Bumbrake: Molly's nanny, a stereotypical British cad and outfitted with the duty of teaching Molly about womanhood. She still has enough charm in her age to attract a sailor or two. Optional Doubling as TEACHER.

Captain Robert Falcon Scott: Lord Aster's old school friend, the captain of the Wasp, Britain's fastest frigate. Lives with nautical bravura and heroic patriotism.

The schoolmaster of St. Norbert's Orphanage for Lost Boys. Mean and malodorous, he revels in keeping his boys in the dark and malnourished. Optional Doublings include: FIGHTING PRAWN; MACK; SÁNCHEZ.


Bill Slank: The vicious orphaned captain of the Neverland. Does not possess the capacity to lead anyone but himself, which puts himself constantly in disaster. Greedy enough to send boys to their doom for the chance of gaining starstuff. Optional Doubling as HAWKING CLAM.

Alf: A seafarer, an old sea dog proud of his tenure. His kind heart gives him an appeal to the feminine sensibility.

Mack: A very bad sailor who wants to be anywhere but under the thumb of Bill Slank

Black Stache: A notorious pirate, terrorizing the seven seas in search of a worthy adversary. Heartless, hirsute, and suspiciously well read. Partial to the poetical and theatrical, which causes him to behave quite flamboyantly

Black Stache's first mate. He is single-mindedly dedicated to his captain's every whim.

Sanchez: A hard working Spanish pirate with an identity crisis


Fighting Prawn: King of the Mollusks, kidnapped by British sailors and brought in chains to England. Served as a sous chef where he learned Italian wines and mastered Italian cuisine. Since returning to his island kingdom, he vengefully murders any English who arrive at his home.

Hawking Clam: Son of Fighting Prawn. One day, he will ascend the Clam throne as head of the Royal Clam Clan.

Teacher: Formerly a salmon; now an ancient, knowledgeable mermaid thanks to the magical Starstuff.

Sailors; Seafarers; Orphans; Pirates; Mermaids; Mollusks; Narrators

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