Callbacks - More info

Hi all! If you have been called back to read/sing for specific roles this Thursday, we hope you've been able to access and start reviewing your materials (see the previous blog post for all info).

Here are some more details ahead of tomorrow. Please read on so you know what to expect!

  • Please report to the dance studio and check in with stage management by 3 PM
  • Plan to be here until we are done (unless you have made prior arrangements). Bring snacks and water, or even dinner if you like. This process often takes until 6 pm or later. We appreciate your patience as we work to get it right :) Have your ride home on stand by - we will do our best to let you know when we're nearly done.
  • If you need to leave the dance studio for any reason, please check in with stage management before you go so we can all stay on schedule.
  • Alices and Alfreds will be reading/singing together. All other roles will have an audition reader.
  • We might ask for the songs listed as "possibly" on the callbacks materials list. We might not. Please be prepared either way.
  • The callbacks order is linked below.
    • Alices and Alfreds can see their scheduled pairings for song/read.
    • Directors reserve the right to go out of order as needed, so please treat this as a guideline, not a contract.
  • You do NOT have to replicate the MCC cast recording. Sing it the way you think is best for YOU and the character you are developing.
  • More than anything, be kind to each other. Be kind to yourselves. Let's have fun!

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