Much Ado About Nothing Script

 Auditions are just around the corner for our fall play, Much Ado About Nothing.  In order to prepare for your audition (information coming soon!),  you should read the play below:

Much Ado About Nothing Script

****Please note that you MUST be logged into your HVRSD account in order to view the script****

Auditions will be held the week of September 20-24th (dates will be released soon).

The performance dates are Pending school calendar approval but the show will be in mid-November.

For your audition, you should prepare a brief (roughly 1 minute) Shakespearean monologue.  We will not be timing you, the 1 minute is just a "barometer" for roughly how long it should be.  YES, you may perform a monologue from the show.  I will also be providing 4 monologues from the show for you to utilize as well, if you should choose.

There will be a brief meeting during LUNCH ON MONDAY in the PAC for anyone interested in auditioning for the show.  Please bring your lunch with you-you will be allowed to eat in the PAC once the meeting has been concluded (with appropriate social distancing).  Any questions that you have will be answered at that time.

Special thanks to Judy Clarke for creating this adaptation of the play for us!

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