Chicago Callback List

Chicago Callbacks

Thank you to everyone who auditioned.  As usual, you have made our jobs very difficult.  Please check the list below carefully for your name.  If you do not see your name below, you are still in the running for the show, so please be sure to check back here on Friday night or Saturday morning the latest.

To all of those who have been called back:  Callbacks will be Friday, November 30th starting at 3:00 in the PAC. We hope to be finished around 6:00.  We will be using the sides and songs posted on the blog in the post below this one.

Congratulations on a great audition :)

Billy Flynn:

Owen Harrison

Jimmy Waltman
Kolter Erickson
Fred Casely:
Owen Harrison
Jimmy Waltman
Brad Modzelewski
Kolter Erickson
Amos Hart:
David LaRaus
Jimmy Waltman
Caleb Briggs
Brad Modzelewski
Sam Hastings
Roxie Hart:

Emily Griffen
Maeve Merzena
Camille Ladendorf
Molly Higgins
Olivia Levin
Velma Kelly:
Maeve Merzena
Madeline Carleton
Caroline Herbert
Matron “Mama” Morton:
Sachi Siyal
Genevieve Shaftel
Fibi DeLeon Gonzales
Julia Kizar
Gretchen Cyriacus
Mary Sunshine:
Olivia Gross
Sam Hastings
Caleb Briggs
John Maclean
Gretchen Cyriacus
Genevieve Shaftel

Cell Block Tango:
Morgan Schragger
Shayla Hermann
Emily Griffen
Camille Ladendorf
Molly Higgins
Olivia Levin
Piper Ward
Madeline Carleton
Caroline Herbert
Chloe Lamond
Kaitlyn Tift
Ruby Reynerston
Zoe Greene
Gretchen Cyriacus

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