Chicago Callback Materials

Hi Guys!

The callback list will be posted on Wednesday evening, but just in case you'd like to look ahead at the callback materials, here they are:

******Please note that you must be logged into your HVRSD account in order to access the materials below*******

Song:  New "All that Jazz" Cut Velma Callback Song
Side:  Read original side from packet with Mama
Dance: Please be prepared to learn Cell Block Combo

Mama Morton:
Song: When You're Good to Mama Mama Callback Song
Side:  Read original side from packet with Velma

Billy Flynn:
Song: New "All I Care About"(***Please note that the scan separated this song into two separate links.  Please be sure to print out BOTH pages) cut Billy CB Song PAGE 1 Billy CB Song PAGE 2
Side: Read side with Amos from original audition packet.
Dance: Please bring Tap Shoes.

Roxie Hart:  
Song:  Sing original cut of Roxie to measure 74 from audition packet.
Side: Roxie Monologue  **Please be prepared to read the monologue into the song (we will start the track when you are ready to give you an intro)
Dance: Please be prepared to learn Cell Block Combo

Amos Hart: 
Song:  New cut of "Mr. Cellophane"Amos CB Song
Side:  Read original scene with Billy.  Also, please be prepared to do Monologue at the start of Mr. Cellophane into the song.  We will pause the track to give you the appropriate intro.  (it is on the sheet music).

Mary Sunshine:
Song: "Understandable" portion of "They Both Reached for the Gun"Mary Sunshine CB Song
Side:  Mary Sunshine Side (Just her lines, as a monologue, like she is narrating the trial for a radio audience)  Mary Sunshine Side

Fred Casely:
Side:  Fred Casely Side   **Please note that Billy and Roxie are in the scene.  You will most likely be reading with audition readers for this side (Billy and Roxies do not need to learn this scene)

Cell Block Girls: (Liz, Annie, June, Hunyak, Mona) **Please be prepared to read for ANY of these girls if called back (like the mechanicals in Midsummer)
Side: Individual Monologues for Cell Block Girls:  (please select your favorite one to read at callbacks but be prepared to read for any of the girls EXCEPT Velma at callbacks Cell Block Girls Monologues
Song: Cell Block Tango Cell Block girls CB Song
Dance:  Please be prepared to perform a short combination of the song. If you can dance on Pointe, please bring your shoes to callbacks.

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