NJ Thespian Festival Sign Ups

Hi Guys!

NJ ThesFest is just around the corner.  Here is what you will need to do in order to attend.

Dates: Saturday January 19, Sunday, January 20, 2019.  Expect to be there from 7:00 am until 7:30 pm both days.

Who can attend:  All active members of troupe 7964 are encouraged to attend and given first dibs on registration.  The bus can fit 45 people.

Can I go if I am not a thespian yet?  Yes!  We highly encourage our future thespians to attend this event, but as space will be limited on the bus, we will be taking info from non-thespians on a first come, first served basis based upon space on the bus.

What is the cost?  The cost is $35 per student.  This includes you entry into all festival events and a T-shirt.

What about competitions (IEs)?  The school will be covering the cost of this.  You may compete in  3 IEs this year, not including Chapter Select (Midsummer).

What do I need to do to register?  Bring in a check for $35 made out to HVCHS no later than Thursday, November 29th.  You will also need to return a signed permission slip with your check.  In addition, if you are competing in any IEs, please sign up your pieces and categories by following the link below.  You do not need to know the name of your pieces when you register EXCEPT for Group Musical Theatre.  Please note that there is an extra fee for schollarship auditioins (senior only, $15), participation in the ALL STATE CLOSING number (which has already been auditioned, $15) summer camp auditions ($10) 

Click here to sign up for IE's at NJ ThesFest

New Jersey is doing its first ever ALL STATE SHOW in 2020!  Auditions will be held at this year's NJ ThesFest.  For more information, please click on the link below.

Click here for ALL STATE SHOW Info

Click here for IE rules

And, just in case you lost it/need another copy:

Click here for Trip packet/permission slip

Not getting our updates?  Join our Remind text list by following the instructions in the link below.


As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. R.

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